Praise Part 1 Appreciate Small Steps
Managing their Feelings
Child managing feelings:
His disappointment when a game is finished and he's not ready for it to be over
Small Step:
The next time he manages it well I will pay attention and praise him rather than just expect it.
Child managing feelings:
boredom - She gets demanding and wants me to play games with her all the time
Small Step:
Playing independently , getting on with things herself
Child managing feelings:
Anger spouts.
Small Step:
Staying calm myself
Child managing feelings:
Feeling scared of new situations and people
Small Step:
Being brave and trying something new
Child managing feelings:
not feeling appreciated or jealous of his siblings
Small Step:
listening to his siblings, playing nicer
Child managing feelings:
Small Step:
Not hitting or reacting immediately
Child managing feelings:
Her fear of going into school
Small Step:
Positive reinforcement on a daily basis of coping well at school
Child managing feelings:
Anger and frustration.
Small Step:
When he waits for his turn or listens to me first time around.
Child managing feelings:
she doesnt like change in any form, be it to her day or something she eats. Her response is always big, so I would like to help her decrease the upset/anger
Small Step:
not wondering off and shouting as the initial reaction