Play Part 2 Connecting
How could you bring more magic into sharing books & stories with your child?
Read more at the child's pace. Follow their lead. More voices
Speak about it more, when I finish reading
We love reading books togethr. I will be making more of an effort to make sure ai read bedtime stories as much as their mother
taking it slow, doing funny voices
I feel like I have a good way of reading books with him as he enjoys reading a lot.
Give the children time, go at their pace and listen to them. Also gently animate the story by making silly voices when appropriate - but still let them lead.
We could imagine what the characters might have been up to before or after the story began or ended.
Maybe have some toys that could be used to play along. Try and have them imagine being there in the story. Doing voices
Read books individually More noises!
I could take more time and not see it as a task to be completed. Talk more about the story rather than just reading the words.
to be more confident in myself with reading
i will practice using silly voices