Play Part 1 Ideas
What job do you do at home that you could convert into a game? What would you do?
setting the table. pretend we're in a restaurant
Cooking meals together. The kids already like to play 'restaurant' so we could engage more with that.
Mopping the floor- dancing with the mop
We currently use the 'tidy up the toys' game with a countdown, but my eldest has grown wise to it. Sorting the clothes, unpacking the shopping.
Tidying toys, puting things into a hungry monsters mouth, aka the toy box
hanging the washing... we could pretend we were maids at the Frozen castle hanging and picking out clothes for Elsa and Anna to wear...
Making the bed- parachute/ who can make it the quickest
Unloading the dishwasher in a chain... pass to you etc. - Unload the washing machine super quick like super speedy superheros. - When we've got ourselves ready, we sit on the magic carpet (front door mat) until we're ready for our adventure. - When we get out the bath we waddle like a penguin in our towel to find out pjs.
Tidying up toys as a race Who can get dressed the fastest Carrying in shopping from the car as a strength test
Vacuuming the house. I could could make it Into a race.