Raising happy children with love and limits


How to reduce conflict at home

How to reduce conflict at home

22th May 2023

Most of us hate having arguments, whether it is with our partners or with our kids.  But minor irritations can sometimes build up, leading to blazing rows that leave everyone...

Relationships22th May 2023

How to reduce conflict at home

Most of us hate having arguments, whether it is with our partners or with our kids.  But minor irritations can sometimes build up, leading to blazing rows that leave everyone...

When I say no, I mean NO… or do I?

When I say no, I mean NO… or do I?

07th Mar 2023

When you say no, do you?… Say no, then give in after a long battle? Shout "no you can’t" from another room and hope for the best? Say no, oh...

BoundariesChallenging behaviour07th Mar 2023

When I say no, I mean NO… or do I?

When you say no, do you?… Say no, then give in after a long battle? Shout "no you can’t" from another room and hope for the best? Say no, oh...

Making reading fun and a joy for life

Making reading fun and a joy for life

03th Mar 2023

Does reading often turn into a chore – one that you rush through to just GET IT done? Or perhaps it ends in arguments or you simply giving up! But...

Learning03th Mar 2023

Making reading fun and a joy for life

Does reading often turn into a chore – one that you rush through to just GET IT done? Or perhaps it ends in arguments or you simply giving up! But...

Children and screens: Reaping the benefits, reducing the harms

Children and screens: Reaping the benefits, red...

07th Feb 2023

Dad: “Jack it’s time to stop playing your videogame! Go upstairs and have your bath before bed.” Jack: “Not just yet, I’ve just reached Level 14!” Dad: “You’ve been playing...

Boundaries07th Feb 2023

Children and screens: Reaping the benefits, red...

Dad: “Jack it’s time to stop playing your videogame! Go upstairs and have your bath before bed.” Jack: “Not just yet, I’ve just reached Level 14!” Dad: “You’ve been playing...

Does my child need that snack? Developing healthy eating habits

Does my child need that snack? Developing healt...

01th Feb 2023

Can snacking and grazing lead to bad eating habits? Dr Clare Bailey, GP and co-founder of Parenting Matters, explains the situation with snacking. Are we raising kids to eat too much...

Eating01th Feb 2023

Does my child need that snack? Developing healt...

Can snacking and grazing lead to bad eating habits? Dr Clare Bailey, GP and co-founder of Parenting Matters, explains the situation with snacking. Are we raising kids to eat too much...

How to help your kids get along better

How to help your kids get along better

17th Jan 2023

“It’s not fair, he always goes first!”, “Muuum! He’s hogging the controls!!” Does this sound familiar? Here are some tips to help keep the peace at home. Comments like “It wasn’t me…”...

Relationships17th Jan 2023

How to help your kids get along better

“It’s not fair, he always goes first!”, “Muuum! He’s hogging the controls!!” Does this sound familiar? Here are some tips to help keep the peace at home. Comments like “It wasn’t me…”...

Raising happy children with love and limits: the core values underpinning our online programme

Raising happy children with love and limits: th...

11th Jan 2023

At Parenting Matters, we have three core values that guide everything we do: Born in Fun Backed by Science Built through Connection. These three values are essentially “baked in” our...

Who we are11th Jan 2023

Raising happy children with love and limits: th...

At Parenting Matters, we have three core values that guide everything we do: Born in Fun Backed by Science Built through Connection. These three values are essentially “baked in” our...

3 intentions for the New Year that might improve your relationship with your child

3 intentions for the New Year that might improv...

03th Jan 2023

As parents we sometimes get things wrong, as of course do our children too. No one is perfect, and nor should they be! But it often helps  to have a...

Relationships03th Jan 2023

3 intentions for the New Year that might improv...

As parents we sometimes get things wrong, as of course do our children too. No one is perfect, and nor should they be! But it often helps  to have a...

Welcome to our Parenting Matters blog!

Welcome to our Parenting Matters blog!

28th Dec 2022

We are so excited to have you join us on this journey of parenthood. Being a parent can be both rewarding and challenging, and we are here to provide you...

Who we are28th Dec 2022

Welcome to our Parenting Matters blog!

We are so excited to have you join us on this journey of parenthood. Being a parent can be both rewarding and challenging, and we are here to provide you...


What's your parenting style?

Is it well-balanced, strict, permissive or hands-off? The key lies in gaining a deeper understanding of yourself as a parent. Our free quiz will help you identify your personal style!


Looking for specific help?

Whether it's understanding your child better or dealing with specific worries and challenging behaviours, we offer guidance on a wide range of parenting matters.